From Our Partners

Il tuo anno migliore di sempre? Il 2025!
Scopri come dare vita ad abitudini durature, come tenerti in esercizio e iniziare il 2025 in una maniera del tutto nuova.
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Combat Loneliness This Winter: The Power of Running with Friends
Combat loneliness this winter with the L’Oréal Men Expert Festive 5K Challenge. Stay active, connect with friends, and end the year strong.
STRAVA | L'Oreal Men Expert
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Unlocking Strength Through Running: Physical and Mental Gains Beyond the Miles
There is more to running than just training your muscles and improving your stamina. It is also a mental sport, and maybe even more so than we think.
STRAVA | New Balance Iberia
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Running: The Power of Connection
How joining a running group can boost your fitness, improve mental well-being and help build meaningful social connections. For men especially, clubs offer a supportive environment that makes it easier to connect and find community.
STRAVA | L'Oreal Men Expert
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Stride with Strength: The Power of Women's Running Communities
Running is often viewed as an individual sport, a personal challenge to beat your own time or achieve that next goal. But for many women, running is far more than that, it’s about being part of a larger community.
STRAVA | New Balance
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‘Run?’: A One-word Invitation with a Big Mindset Impact
Running has a whole host of benefits for mental health. It’s not just about physical exercise; it's about how running affects our mindset, helps us sleep better and connects us with a community.
STRAVA | L'Oreal Men Expert
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parkrun Turns 20… And Gets New Shoes
To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the global running phenomenon, parkrun, Brooks has released a Limited Edition version of the Brooks Ghost 16.
STRAVA | Brooks
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Q&A: An Insider View of the Olympics with Runner Brandon Miller
Meet Brandon Miller - a star in track and field, from his NCAA victories to competing in the 2024 Olympics. Learn about his Olympic experience, training with the Brooks Beasts team and next goals.
STRAVA | Brooks
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Shoe Review: HOKA Mach X 2
Just in time for the marathon season, HOKA has released its all-new Mach X 2 running shoe, a revamped version of the original Mach X inspired by the Cielo X1’s race-ready geometry.
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Il viaggio di tre pioniere verso la linea di partenza della UTMB®
Nell'ambito della HOKA’s Made in the Mountains Challenge, accenderemo i riflettori su tre atlete eccezionali e sul personalissimo cammino di ognuna di esse verso la gara di quest'anno.
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La UTMB World Series: nella mente di 4 trail runner professionisti
Segui anche tu le orme dei trail runner Brooks che si preparano a una delle gare di specialità più mitiche e prestigiose al mondo: l'evento UTMB di Francia, Italia e Svizzera.
STRAVA | Brooks Running
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Marion Clignet al Tour de France Femmes: da campionessa del mondo a promotrice del ciclismo femminile
Nel corso della sua carriera l'olimpionica plurimedagliata Marion Clignet si è battuta per migliorare le condizioni delle donne nel ciclismo e oggi è co-fondatrice della Jelenew.
STRAVA | Jelenew
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