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Jouw beste jaar tot dusver: 2025
Ontdek hoe je jezelf blijvende routines aanleert, actief blijft en 2025 met een frisse start tegemoet treedt.
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Combat Loneliness This Winter: The Power of Running with Friends
Combat loneliness this winter with the L’Oréal Men Expert Festive 5K Challenge. Stay active, connect with friends, and end the year strong.
STRAVA | L'Oreal Men Expert
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Unlocking Strength Through Running: Physical and Mental Gains Beyond the Miles
There is more to running than just training your muscles and improving your stamina. It is also a mental sport, and maybe even more so than we think.
STRAVA | New Balance Iberia
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Running: The Power of Connection
How joining a running group can boost your fitness, improve mental well-being and help build meaningful social connections. For men especially, clubs offer a supportive environment that makes it easier to connect and find community.
STRAVA | L'Oreal Men Expert
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Stride with Strength: The Power of Women's Running Communities
Running is often viewed as an individual sport, a personal challenge to beat your own time or achieve that next goal. But for many women, running is far more than that, it’s about being part of a larger community.
STRAVA | New Balance
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‘Run?’: A One-word Invitation with a Big Mindset Impact
Running has a whole host of benefits for mental health. It’s not just about physical exercise; it's about how running affects our mindset, helps us sleep better and connects us with a community.
STRAVA | L'Oreal Men Expert
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parkrun Turns 20… And Gets New Shoes
To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the global running phenomenon, parkrun, Brooks has released a Limited Edition version of the Brooks Ghost 16.
STRAVA | Brooks
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Q&A: An Insider View of the Olympics with Runner Brandon Miller
Meet Brandon Miller - a star in track and field, from his NCAA victories to competing in the 2024 Olympics. Learn about his Olympic experience, training with the Brooks Beasts team and next goals.
STRAVA | Brooks
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Shoe Review: HOKA Mach X 2
Just in time for the marathon season, HOKA has released its all-new Mach X 2 running shoe, a revamped version of the original Mach X inspired by the Cielo X1’s race-ready geometry.
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Hoe drie baanbrekende vrouwen de UTMB®-startlijn bereikten
Op 30 augustus nemen veel van 's werelds beste trailrunners deel aan de UTMB®. In het kader van de Made in the Mountains Challenge van HOKA belichten we drie opmerkelijke vrouwen die ieder op hun eigen manier dit jaar de ultramarathon haalden.
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UTMB World Series: Inside the Minds of 4 Pro Trail Runners
Take a step in Brooks trail athletes’ shoes as they prepare for one of ‘the most mythical and prestigious trail running races in the world’: the UTMB event in France, Italy and Switzerland.
STRAVA | Brooks
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Van wereldkampioen tot voorvechter voor vrouwenwielrennen: Marion Clignet en de Tour de France Femmes
Haar hele carrière heeft wielrenster Marion Clignet, winnaar van twee Olympische medailles, zich ingezet om de positie van wielrensters te verbeteren. Nu is ze mede-eigenaar van een nieuw kledingbedrijf, Jelenew.
STRAVA | Jelenew
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