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Jazmine LowtherRelated Stories

Are Women Naturally Designed for Ultra-Endurance Sports?
With fewer female competitors at endurance events, there is less competition to drive performances to the female limit. However, as Jazmine Lowther explains, there are ways that females can train smarter for endurance sports.

Are You Intrinsically or Extrinsically Motivated?
When it comes to endurance sports, the easy part is signing up for races. The hard part is training, come rain or shine. But when it comes to motivation, where can you find it?

How Women Can Train Differently Than Men
Should women train differently than men? The answer may be yes... and no.

Ladies: Should You Cycle-Sync Your Training?
Cycle-syncing your training means adjusting your training, nutrition, recovery, and mental habits with hormonal and menstrual symptom fluctuations.

Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms Female Athletes Don't Want To Ignore
Training without adequate recovery and nutrition can cause hormone levels to go awry. That’s why knowing how to identify - and treat - hormone imbalance is essential for female athletes.
You’ve Just Summited a Fitness Peak... Now What?
The peaks, ridges, and valleys of endurance training and performance can sometimes be hard to navigate, but when you do you build Everest-like strength.

Fitness Benchmarks: an Essential Training Tool You're Probably Not Using
Establishing your fitness benchmarks is a great way to determine whether your fitness levels are progressing, plateauing or even in decline.
7 Steps to Planning a Healthy Athletic Season
Here are seven steps to help guide you through the conundrum of creating a successful, injury-free and healthy athletic season.