Endurance of the Mind: How UTMB Shaped Lewis Robling
Lewis Robling's UTMB journey highlights the power of mental resilience, pushing limits and how running helped him overcome personal struggles.

In Pictures: The Challenge & Charm of UTMB
As beautiful as it is challenging, UTMB pushes athletes to their limits. Photographer David Miller captured the race, offering a unique - and often intimate - view of this incredible event.

The Alpine Run Project: Transforming Young Lives through Trail Running
Explore how John McAvoy’s Alpine Run Project is changing inner-city lives through trail running, from prison to the peaks, this journey will inspire you.

UTMB: A Runner's Guide to the Key Race Segments
One of the iconic races on the trail calendar, UTMB attracts runners from across the world to tackle this iconic course. But what should they expect when tackling this event?

UTMB 2024: Athletes to Follow on Strava
UTMB is the pinnacle of the trail running calendar. And with over 80% of the UTMB Elite field on Strava, there are plenty of athletes that you should follow to get a unique view of the race.

Die Reise von 3 außergewöhnlichen Frauen zum Start des UTMB®
Am 30. August werden sich die weltbesten Trailläuferinnen und -läufer am Start des UTMB einfinden. Im Rahmen von HOKA’s Made in the Mountains Challenge stellen wir drei außergewöhnliche Frauen vor, die ihren Weg zum diesjährigen Rennen gefunden haben
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UTMB World Series: Ein Blick in die Gedanken von 4 professionellen Trailrunnern
Tritt in die Fußstapfen der Trail-Sportlerinnen und -Sportler von Brooks, die sich auf einen der „sagenumwobensten und prestigeträchtigsten Trailrunning-Wettkämpfe der Welt“ vorbereiten: dem UTMB-Event in Frankreich, Italien und der Schweiz.
STRAVA | Brooks Running
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Through the Lens: UTMB 2023 Photo Diary
David Miller captures the raw emotion of the athletes and spectators at UTMB 2023.

Spotted on Strava: Americans Win UTMB + Diplo Escapes Burning Man
Americans on the top step of the UTMB podium, the race for Red in the Vuelta, and an epic escape from Burning Man. It all happened on Strava this week.

Sage Canaday Is Bringing his Tenacity to the Grueling TDS UTMB Race
Sage Canaday overcame incredible adversity to take on athletic challenges of a new magnitude. Next up? The grueling TDS UTMB race on August 28th, 2023.
STRAVA | CamelBak
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UTMB: The Race That Transformed a Sport
On the eve of UTMB 2023 author and photographer Alexis Berg discusses the evolution of the event and the type of person it takes to win.