Introducing: Strava Messaging 💬

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No more switching apps to plan activities. No more sending routes and events via text message. You can now do it all – right from Strava.

But before you get to your next adventure, head to your Settings in the app (mobile only) to decide who can message you. There are 3 options to choose from, and you can switch at any time:

1️⃣ Following: Anyone you follow can message you.

2️⃣ Mutuals: People will only be able to message you if you follow each other.

3️⃣ No One: No one can message you first. Only you will be able to start chats with other people.

To learn more about your settings options and decide who can message you, head to the Messaging article on Strava Support.

Our goals are to bring you features you love and always ensure that safety comes first. So send those DMs, start those Strava group chats and make those weekend plans. Where will messaging take you?

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