Conselhos e orientações

What to Wear When You Go Hiking
Going for a hike is as simple as lacing up a pair of shoes, picking a route, and heading out on a trail, right? Kinda.

How to Get Your Kids into Hiking
Introducing your kids to hiking can be a great way to foster a love for the outdoors, create lasting memories, and keep the whole family active.

How to Get Your Kids into Backcountry Camping
Introducing your children to wilderness camping can be a challenging experience, but a lifetime of fun awaits those with the patience to see it through!

How to Prepare for Your First Thru-Hike
It’s a big leap from day trips to thru-hiking, but a bit of good advice can make it much easier. Here are five key strategies to get your multi-day hiking career off to a good start.

How To Get Into Ski Touring
It's hard to know where to start when trying to get into ski touring, but our resident ski expert Charlie is here to break it down for you.

5 Unusual Tips for Leaving No Trace While Hiking
From trail etiquette to dealing with puddles, Erin Collier shares 5 strange and unusual tips for leaving no trace on your next hike.

Mais esportes
The Secrets to Creating a Successful Training Program
It can be difficult to figure out which training program is for you, so in this article, Charlie gives some basic, common-sense rules to apply when trying to make sense of all the noise.

How to Complete an Overnight Backcountry Ski Tour
The leap from day trips to overnight backcountry skiing adventures can seem daunting but it needn’t be with a bit of good advice!

How to Leave no Trace While Backcountry Camping
We talked to the experts from the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics to learn best practices for low-impact backcountry camping.

How to Maximize Your Climbing & Mountaineering Next Year
2024 will be upon us soon, so here are our top five tips to make the most of your year in the mountains!

How To Get Your Kids Into Skiing
Getting your kids into skiing is a BIG challenge, but a bit of good advice can make it a lot easier! Here’s our recipe for ski success.

Pedalada de mountain bike
5 Key Ingredients for Creating an Unforgettable Mountain Bike Getaway
Mark Sevenoff is a true expert at planning unforgettable mountain bike getaways, and he shares 5 of his most important tips for creating a memorable experience.