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8 Hacks for Surviving Summer Workouts


When the sun rays beam down and the air feels like a warm hug, it’s tempting to ditch the gym's sweaty walls and head outside for a workout. Images of a lungful of fresh air as you jog ping pong around your mind. You lace up your shoes, dreams of personal bests dancing in your head. But the moment you step outside, it’s like entering the fiery pits of Mordor. Breeze? What breeze? You’re already sweating and you’re not even moving.

Now, what?

It may be tempting to keep up your rigorous exercise routine in the summer months. However, without the proper attention, it can do more damage than good. If you’re not careful, it can lead to heat-related issues like heatstroke, dehydration, and heat exhaustion, which only push back your exercise goals.

To keep your summer fitness goals from melting away, we’ve teamed up with the antiperspirant pros at Sure to offer some of the best tips for staying active, safely, without becoming a human puddle.

1. Stay calm, and hydrate

This sounds like your mom’s advice but drink water. Plenty of it. Before, during, and after your hot-weather workout.

If you're exercising for over an hour, consider sports drinks. They replenish electrolytes and potassium, keeping you hydrated for longer periods of time, especially in the heat. That little extra sodium can work wonders on hot days.

Remember: everything in moderation.

2. Protect your skin

In the immortal words of Mary Schmich: “I will dispense this advice now: Wear sunscreen.” 

Protecting your body from the heat also means protecting it from the sun’s UV rays. Nothing is worse than getting a sunburn and having to hide away from the sun for your next workout(s). Sunburns are no joke, and neither is looking like a lobster. Apply, reapply, and then reapply again. Future you will thank present you.

3. The shade is your friend

Tanning while working out? Nice idea, but as your body temperature rises along with the mercury, you’ll wish you picked a shadier route. 

Find those leafy oases and enjoy a cooler workout so you can exercise safely and for longer. Save the sunbathing for poolside, where you can jump in and cool off whenever you want.

The sun between 10 AM and 3 PM is like nature’s way of saying, "Not today, buddy." Instead, aim for early mornings or evenings so your workouts remain full of energy.

4. Timing is everything

Midday workouts? Unless you're part lizard, just don't. The sun between 10 AM and 3 PM is nature’s way of saying, "Not today, buddy." Instead, aim for early mornings or evenings so your workouts remain full of energy. Bonus: You get to witness the magic of sunrise or sunset. Double bonus: Post those priceless photos to your Strava account and make everyone else envious.

5. Sweat management

The only time it’s acceptable to use the word ‘sweaty’ in a sentence is if you’re referring to wearing Sweaty Betty sports kit. Otherwise, nobody’s keen on that trickling feeling of sweat pooling off you or the stench of B.O.

With modern options like Sure’s Body Heat Activated technology that forms a strong protective barrier against sweat and odor for 72 hours, there’s no reason to scare everyone off during your summer workouts. Pop some Sure Nonstop Protection on and you’ll be unstoppable and ready to smash your limits sweat- and odor-free.

6. Dress smart

Light-colored and breathable. Lightweight and loose. These four adjectives are your friends when it comes to choosing what to wear for your summer workouts. You want clothing that allows your body to breathe, the sun to reflect off it, and your sweat to evaporate. 

Try sun-protection clothing, too, which, as the name suggests, is designed to protect you from the sun, offering Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF). Your motto should be: Look cool, stay cool, avoid becoming a human BBQ.

7. Listen to your body

Lightheaded, nauseous, dizzy, or tired? These are not the vibes you’re going for. When you’re working out in the summer heat, those uncomfortable sensations are the tell-tale signs your body is overheating. Take a break, cool down, and maybe avoid becoming a heatstroke statistic. It’s much wiser to stop for a while when you’re overheating than to push and pay the price for it later with an injury or by getting sick.

Even better, regularly take breaks to cool off before feeling uncomfortable. It’s all about knowing your limits and working out smartly.

8. Surprise yourself

Summer might be the perfect time to switch things up. If you’re usually a runner, why not try swimming? If you’re typically a cyclist, what about stand-up paddle boarding? Ever thought of kayaking instead of sprinting? Water sports keep you fit and cool.

Or, become a rainy-day runner. It’s surprisingly refreshing and makes you feel like a warrior.

And if all else fails, there’s always old faithful: the treadmill. If the heat is simply too much, there’s nothing wrong about hitting up an air-conditioned gym. Bonus: You can push yourself as hard as you want knowing you’ll stay cool.

Final thoughts

Staying fit in the summer heat doesn’t have to be a battle against the elements. With the right strategies you can keep up your workouts, avoid heat-related mishaps, and even enjoy yourself. Ultimately, you know yourself best, so choose what suits you and have fun working out safely over these summer months.